I am the human mother to three small dogs, two of which are Boston Terriers. If you know anything about that breed, then you know that they are known for their pointed bat-like ears. Because those distinctive ears are always at attention, they tend to get all kinds of 'stuff' in there. I have even tossed them a treat and had it land inside their ear before!

My two Boston's, Pickle & Max need to have their ears cleaned out quite often, or else they tend to get 'stinky-ear'. That is the the medical term my vet uses, but its the best way that I can describe it. It usually takes two of us to hold them down and squirt an over-the-counter dog ear wash down in their ears, then rub it around and let them shake their heads, and the oily ear wash gets all over us, and anything near by. What an unpleasant task for us & equally unpleasant event for them, until now...

Recently I had the pleasure of testing
EcoStore USA's Herbal All Natural Ear Wash. The package says, "YOUR PET WILL LIKE IT", and I thought, "Oh yea, I bet they will...NOT!" It is a major ordeal in our house to clean their ears and I did not believe that this was going to be any different. But it was!
I started with Pickle because she is calmer, older, and more willing to let me 'do' stuff to her, although she really hates having her ears cleaned. I did my routine of changing into an old raggy shirt (that I didn't care if it got oily spots on it), laid out the necessary instruments: paper towels, toilet

tissue, Q-tips, and the bottle of Ear Wash. Then I grabbed Pickle before she could figure out what I was up to.
When I first dripped the liquid in her ear as instructed, she jerked away, but I just held on to her and began to massage the liquid into her ears. To my amazement she stopped trying to squirm away. The ear wash was not oily like the over the counter stuff that I am sure is loaded with all kinds of nasty chemicals. I used a few Q-Tips and the tissue and quickly cleaned her ears. As you can see in this picture, Pickle is not running away. You can also see that Max felt the need to get really close, to thoroughly examine that dirty Q-Tip for himself. I think he actually liked the smell.

Then came Max...he Really hates this job. However I only had to hold on to his collar, and I did this all by myself AND took these pictures! It did not take the two of us to clean their ears! That is a first. Max actually seemed to calm down once I started massaging & wiping the yuck that was in his ears. Neither Max, nor Pickle did any head shaking this time. I think they really
Like It! They both seemed more calm afterward.
And look at the Yuck that I cleaned out of their ears! Eeww!

So, besides the fact that I felt better cleaning their ears with something that had
No Nasty Chemicals, even more wonderful was the fact that now their ears actually
smelled Wonderful! I am not kidding! When they cuddled up with me later that evening and got their little faces up near mine I could smell the wonderful scent of Chamomile and Lavender -my two favorite scents. It was like getting aromatherapy from smelling my dogs ears, lol! I love it!

Never again will I dump nasty chemicals in to my babies ears, and you don't have to either, because this wonderful product is available at the
EcoStoreUSA for just $8.00 per 4 oz bottle, and a little goes a long, long way. You will find lots of other Pet-Friendly products on their site, as well as Baby Care, Bath & Body, Hair, and Household products that all carry the "No Nasty Chemicals" trademark.
The wonderful folks at EcoStore USA have generously offered to give one of our Lucky Readers a Gift Certificate for $25.00 so you can try some of their wonderful products for yourself. If you would like to Win a $25.00 Gift Certificate to the EcoStore USA, here is what you need to do:
Entries in this particular giveaway are open the US & Canada only!
FIRST, you must complete the Mandatory Entry by visiting the EcoStore USA to see all of the wonderful products they carry, then come back here and comment to tell us what other products you would be interested in trying. Be sure to include your email address in the comment so I can contact you if you win. To prevent bots from picking up your email address and sending you spam, please enter your email address as: "BloggerMommies at gmail dot com"
After completing the mandatory entry above, you can get additional entries by doing any or all of these tasks: (INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL IN EVERY COMMENT! You must leave each entry in a separate comment in order for them to each count.)
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~ Tweet about this Review & Giveaway on Twitter, you must include at least the following in your tweet: I really want to Win a $25 Gift Certificate from EcoStore USA for products w/ NO NASTY CHEMICALS! @BloggerMommies http://ow.ly/YQN3 (Copy & Paste as it is, to prevent errors in your tweet. If you get a 'Duplicate Post' notice from Twitter just add the RT to the beginning.) You may tweet twice daily (space your tweets at least 6 hours apart). Be sure to post a comment here immediately after each time you tweet and include your Twitter ID & link to your status in the comment box (I will reject any comments that say "tweeted yesterday, or earlier this morning", comments must be submitted within an hour of when tweet posted).
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This Giveaway will end on Thursday, February 4, 2010 Midnight (Mountain Time). One random comment will be chosen at that time. The winning comment will be verified at that time so if you said you follow the blog in your comment and we don't find you in the follow list, we will choose another winner. The winner will be contacted by email the following morning and will have 48 hours to reply with their name and shipping address. If a response is not received within 48 hours the winner will forfeit the prize and a new winner will be selected. Sorry, no exceptions. [36943-38348]Disclosure: I was given a full-size sample of this product for the purpose of testing, and reviewing if I liked it...which I did! I have received NO monetary payment or favors in exchange for this review. The statements made in this review are my own, honest opinions.
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