Is there anything more precious then the sound of a babies foot steps? Well, Yes there is, its the sound of a sweet little 'squeak' every time he takes a step. Like the Adorable Pickle Squeaker Shoes by

My grandson Russell received a pair of Pickle Squeaker shoes, in the "Woof" design, from and I Love them! They make me smile every time I hear Russell walking in these adorable shoes because the tiny "squeak" with every step is just so cute!
Russell loves them too. I actually think the squeaky sound makes him walk even more! You can tell by the look on his face when he takes a step, that he knows he is controlling the sound. When Russell is wearing his "Woof" shoes we can tell exactly where he is, no matter where he roams. If we ever got tired of the squeak (which I don't think we will), the squeaker can be easily removed from the side of the shoe soles. is owned by Laura Wallis. She is the mother of 3 (4 if you include her husband, she says), Jack (7), Kate (5), and Maryn (2). She said she had a 'light bulb moment' when several years ago her kids were wearing some neat boutique style squeaky shoes and everyone kept asking her where she got them. That's when she decided to launch and carry her own brand of shoes called "Pickles", as well as other brands of shoes that she loves.
Laura says the goal of is to provide Stylish, Durable, Comfortable Shoes for Toddlers. I believe she has done a great job of meeting that goal because my grandsons Pickle Squeaker Shoes look very stylish with their earthy-looking green leather and the cute black & white "Woof" dog face on top. Durable...Oh yes, after wearing them a few weeks now, they still look like brand new, I think he will outgrow then long before he wears them out. As for Comfort, the Supple-soft leather and flexible soles require no "break-in" period and I believe Russell thinks they are very comfortable because he doesn't fuss when he is

wearing them and when you take them off at nap-time, he insists on sleeping with them! doesn't have a lot a choices for boys (yet!), but they have lots of choices for little girls. Just look at these cuties! Their sizes range from 4 to 8, so they are great for early walkers and toddlers.

Laura, owner of & Pickle Squeaker Shoes has generously offered to give one of our lucky readers a Free Pair of Pickle Shoes of your choice!
If you would like to WIN a Pair of Pickles Squeaker Shoes from, here is what you need to do:
Entries in this particular giveaway are open the US only!
FIRST, you must complete the Mandatory Entry by visiting, then come back here and tell me which pair you would like to Win! Be sure to include your email address in EACH comment so I can contact you if you win. To prevent bots from picking up your email address and sending you spam, please enter your email address like this: "BloggerMommies at gmail dot com"
After completing the mandatory entry above, you can get additional entries by doing any or all of these tasks: (INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL IN EVERY COMMENT! You must leave each entry in a separate comment in order for them to each count.)
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~ Tweet about this Review & Giveaway on Twitter, you must include at least the following in your tweet: I Want to WIN Pickle Squeaker Shoes from @KatieBugShoes for my little Bug! @BloggerMommies! (Copy & Paste as it is, to prevent errors in your tweet. If you get a 'Duplicate Post' notice from Twitter just add the RT to the beginning.) You may tweet twice daily (space your tweets at least 6 hours apart). Be sure to post a comment here immediately after each time you tweet and include your Twitter ID & link to your status in the comment box (I will reject any comments that say "tweeted yesterday, or earlier this morning", comments must be submitted within an hour of when tweet posted).~ Become a Fan of on Facebook, (then come back here and mention that in your comment, include your facebook name in the comment, you can email your name separately if you like.)
~ Blog ABOUT this Review & Giveaway before February 16, 2010 to get 3 Entries! (You may NOT simply copy this review post, you must blog 'About' it on your blog and include links back to this blog. For each of the three entries you must comment that you have blogged about this review & giveaway and include the URL of the post on your blog. Also please post each entry separately and include #1, #2, or #3 with each comment.)
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This Giveaway will end on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at Midnight (Mountain Time). A random comment will be chosen. The winning comment will be verified at that time, so if you said you follow the blog in your comment and we don't find you in the follow list, we will choose another winner. The winner will be contacted by email the following morning and will have 48 hours to reply with their name and shipping address. If a response is not received within 48 hours the winner will forfeit the prize and a new winner will be selected. Sorry, no exceptions. [37978]Disclosure: I was given one pair of boys Pickles Squeaker Shoes for the purpose of testing, and reviewing if I liked them...and I Loved Them! I have received NO monetary payment or favors in exchange for this review. The statements made in this review are my own, honest opinions.
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