Beauté de Maman has a a number of wonderful products, from herbal supplements for pregnancy related nausea, to facial scrub and even gift sets for pregnant women. One of our Guest Reviewers, Jackie, who is a mother of a 3 year old and a new baby, agreed to test the Beauté de Maman Nipple Gel.
Here is Jackies's review:
For all the nursing moms out there, relief has arrived. It’s called Beauté de Maman Nipple Gel. It is a lanolin free healing ointment that is made from plant based ingredients. It is very beautifully packaged in a BPA free tube and almost feels as though it should be in a fancy baby boutique. It is a 100% natural product that was developed by Michele D. Brown an Obstetrician with over 25 years of practice.
I was oblivious, as I’m sure many are, that there was an alternative to the 100% Lanolin they give you in the hospital to help heal dry, cracked, and traumatized nipples. Until I tried this product, I had no problems with using Lanolin. Then I read a little about this product and a few others including pure Lanolin and I found a few surprising things. Lanolin comes from the sebaceous glands of sheep, what is surprising is how it
is extracted and what else may be in Lanolin that alarms me. Many sheep in the United States and other countries are often “drenched” or “dipped” with a chemical that keeps away parasites. This chemical can stay embedded in the wool and its oils including the Lanolin. This concerns me. What also concerns me is how most lanolin is obtained. First the sheep is shorn, and then the wool is sent to a chemical scouring bath to separate the Lanolin, dirt, sweat and other products from the wool, it is then concentrated and either modified for creams, ointments and cosmetics or unmodified to be used as an anti-corrosive and rust-proofing agent. This sounds harmless but a study was done that found traces of the chemicals that were put onto the wool to prevent parasites in modified Lanolin. They say that Lanolin need not be removed prior to feeding your infant, but if there are chemicals, even trace amounts, I really don’t want my baby ingesting it.
The other downfalls of Lanolin are that some women are allergic, Beauté de Maman Nipple Gel does no
t contain any Lanolin, and so for those women who are allergic to Lanolin, here is your product.
Also, Lanolin is very sticky, Beauté de Maman Nipple Gel is as it says a gel and so it is a lighter product. Lanolin, because it is sticky and greasy can actually cause your delicate already traumatized skin from your nipples to stick to your shirt/bra/nursing pads and be ripped off when removing the article to nurse further traumatizing your nipples. This happened to me and caused me to bleed worse. The nipple gel is not greasy at all and I never had a problem with it causing my skin to stick to anything.
In my experience with Lanolin, I was told that it would “heal” or at least “promote in healing” my cracked, traumatized nipples, but to no avail. All it ever did for me was create a sticky greasy mess which was then transferred to Gavin’s face which started a rash, so I had to find a cloth to clean it off, and I had to use soap instead of just water because Lanolin is water proof and is like trying to wash butter off your hands in cold water, this created a bigger rash on Gavin’s face and it stained several of his wash cloths and burp cloths. T
his Nipple Gel went on smoothly, did not leave a sticky greasy mess, what very little was not rapidly absorbed into my own skin actually helped get rid of the awful rash on Gavin’s face and I have since taken to applying it directly to his face because it actually has healing properties. Although lanolin is slightly antiseptic, it has no other medicinal benefits. Beauté de Maman Nipple Gel contains Calendula Officinalis which promotes healing of inflamed areas. This was very helpful to me since both my children had severe cases of thrush which caused my nipples and areolas to become very inflamed. The Gel was incredibly soothing and took away the inflammation. The other ingredients of Beauté de Maman Nipple Gel include Castor Seed Oil, Castor Oil, Soybean Oil and Vitamin E. Each of these ingredients are very moisturizing and soothing.
The only down sides to this product were that it had a very “oily” odor, it did not taste very good either and at around $16.00 for 1 ounce it was a bit pricier than I would prefer to pay for it. The product also stated that it would not stain your clothing but I spread some on an old t-shi
rt, washed it and it did indeed leave a stain. I did notice that when using lanolin, my son would balk at latching on but did not when I used the Nipple Gel, so I’m sure it tasted better to him and the odor is not nearly as bad as that from Lanolin.
All in all this is definitely a product I would recommend to a friend and already have to 3 mothers of newborns and 5 more that are expecting soon.
Beauté de Maman has generously offered to provide a Free Tube of Nipple Gel (valued at $15.99) and a $3.00 off gift certificate towards the purchase of any Beauté de Maman products to one of our Lucky Readers!
Entries in this particular giveaway are open the US & UK only!
FIRST, you must complete the Mandatory Entry by visiting Beauté de Maman website to learn more about their products, then comment below to tell what products you would be interested in trying. Be sure to include your email address in the comment so I can contact you if you win. To prevent bots from picking up your email address and sending you spam, please enter your email address as: "BloggerMommies at gmail dot com"
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Lovely Baby Christmas CD's ~ Not Your Typical Baby Music - Listen!
Declaration: Jackie received a 2 oz tube of Beaute de Maman Nipple Gel to test for this review. The thoughts and opinions are Jackie's own and neither she nor BloggerMommies received any money or favors in exchange for this review. Please see our About Us page & Disclaimer page if you have any question about my integrity and for the full legal Terms of Use.
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