Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Get Over Your Cold FAST with New Zicam Cold Remedy!

Zicam recently asked if our Mommies would like to test two of their newest products, the Zicam Liqui-Loz and Zicam Zavors. With this being the cold & flu season I said, "Yes! We are healthy and well at the moment so if you are willing to wait until at least one of us inevitiably catches something, we would be willing to give them a try."

The day the samples arrived I was feeling stuffed-up and thought I was going to be the first of our group to get sick this season. However it turned out I had developed a sinus infection and not a cold, so I didn't need to use the Zicam. Just a few days later Whitney became so sick that I actually sent her home from the store to rest. Later that evening I suggested that, judging by her symptoms, she should try the Zicam. Within 24 -36 hours later Katy & Jennifer both began to experience some cold symptoms too. Katy said she felt like total "Poo and needed to be taken care of". They each took a box of Zicam Cold Remedy home with them and below you will hear how each of them felt better, and recovered so much quicker with the Zicam.

Zicam Zavors, test by Whitney:
Last week I woke up with the feeling I was getting a horrible cold. Well being a mom you know that being sick is not aloud. By that evening I knew I needed to do something so I took the Zicam Cold Remedy Zavors. There were 25 coated chews in cherry flavor in the bottle. The first thing I noticed as I read the bottle was that this product is Non-drowsy, non-habit forming, with no known drug interactions. I was thrilled with that, I hate when I take something for one symptom and then I cannot take anything for the other symptoms for 4-6 hours. So I chewed it up and surprisingly it did taste like cherries. I repeated the dose every three hours as stated in the directions.

I began to feel better the very next day. By the third day my cold was gone. I was amazed at how well the Zicam worked.
I had never heard of this product before my review and I will never forget it now. Usually you cannot do much about a cold except wait it out, and hope that its over in 1 week instead of two. With Zicam Cold Remedy Zavors I now know there is a solution to the common cold and have already recommended this product to many of my closest friends, and family.

Zicam Zavors, test by Katy's:
I love cold weather but who likes cold and flu season not me! I came down with a killer cold I had it all: body aches, sore throat, and a nose that wouldn’t stop running. I was miserable. Anna asked if I would be interested in testing a new cold medicine named Zicam. The medication comes in a bright orange box that makes it easy to pick out in the sea of other medications.

I tried the Zavors which is a chewable cherry flavored pill that you take every 3 hours. The pill was a little big and hard for me to start chewing. The starting flavor was good but doesn't last long, you need to chew quickly because it turns into a chalky paste which isn't to tasty.
The first day I took Zicam it felt like my symptoms leveled out, I didn't feel 100% but I did feel good enough to play with my kids and get things done that I needed to do. Zicam didn't make me drowsy, which is great with a toddler and a infant I have to be on top of my game. At the end of the 3rd hour I didn't feel so good, so I knew
it was time for me to take another pill.

Within one more day I was feeling so much better that the only s
ymptom I had the my scratchy red nose from wiping it so many times the day before. The next time I come down with a cold or know someone who is getting sick, this will be the first thing I use myself and suggest to them.

Jennifer's experience with Zicam Liqui-Loz:

I heard about Zicam a couple of years ago but have never tried it. About two weeks ago, I started to get that scratchy throat, the kind where you know a nasty cold is coming. Anna suggested that I try the Zicam. I received the Zicam Cold Remedy Plus cherry Throat Lozenges.

I d
idn’t think that it would actually work, I mean seriously, a lozenge that can keep a cold a way. Well, after the first two doses I could tell that it was working. Not only did it prevent the cold from coming on but it also relieved my scratchy throat! It is also non drowsy and there are no drug interactions which is fantastic!

I am now a huge fan! I think that the trick is to take it as soon as you feel something coming on, if you wait until you are sick, it might not work. I think that is reasonably priced but would like to see them make more flavors. I will always make sure I have some Zicam handy and highly recommend it to everyone I know!

Follow-up: Its been about 2 weeks since they all used the Zicam and I am still not sick...knock on wood that I will not 'get' to test Zicam this season. I can tell you this much, judging by their results, if I do get sick, I am going straight for the Orange Box!

Hopefully you wont need Zicam this season either. To help you accomplish that, I would like to share with you Zicam's TOP-FIVE list of “What to do to prepare for cold and flu season.
Exercise, eat right, get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and take a daily multi-vitamin.

2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth during cold and flu season, especially after being exposed to viruses or bacteria.

3. Promote strong immune function by switching from coffee to tea, eating garlic liberally, and adding yogurt to your diet. And use zinc products, such as Zicam oral Cold Remedy, within the first 24-48 hours of the onset of cold symptoms to reduce the duration and severity of your cold.

4. Drink lots of water, which flushes toxins out of your body while re-hydrating your system.

5. While studies show that exercising for at least 30 minutes several times a week can help you stay healthy, our immune system fights most effectively when it isn't stressed. So listen to your body when you feel sick, as a hard workout could weaken your immune system temporarily and potentially make your illness worse.

If you do experience cold & flu symptoms, don't wait too long, you need to start taking Zicam within the first 24-48 hours of the onset of your symptoms.

For more great tips on staying healthy as well as tools for symptom tracking, and so much more, Join the Zicam = I Can Club by clicking on the link below.

The wonderful folks at Zicam have Generously offered to give 2 of our Lucky Readers a Free Package of each of their Two Newest products Zicam Liqui-Loz and Zicam Zavors as well as money saving coupons for their other products!

If you would like to Be One of the Two Lucky Readers to Win Two of Zicam's Newest Cold Remedy Products, here's what you need to do:

Entries in this particular giveaway are open the US only!

FIRST, you must complete the Mandatory Entry by visiting Zicam's Website to see all of the products they carry, then comment below to tell us what other product you might be interested in. Be sure to include your email address in the comment so I can contact you if you win. To prevent bots from picking up your email address and sending you spam, please enter your email address as: "BloggerMommies at gmail dot com"

After completing the mandatory entry above, you can get additional entries by doing any or all of these tasks: (INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL IN EVERY COMMENT! You must leave each entry in a separate comment in order for them to each count.)

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~ Tweet about this Review & Giveaway on Twitter, you must include at least the following in your tweet: Get Over Your Cold FAST with New Zicam Cold Remedy! @BloggerMommies http://ow.ly/K4VZ ~2 Winners (Copy & Paste as it is, to prevent errors in your tweet. If you get a 'Duplicate Post' notice from Twitter just add the RT to the beginning.) You may tweet this up to 3 times per day, no more often than every 4 hours. Be sure to post a comment here immediately after each time you tweet and include your Twitter ID & link to your status in the comment box (I will reject any comments that say "tweeted yesterday, or earlier this morning", comments must be submitted within an hour of when tweet posted).

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This Giveaway will end on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 5:00pm (Mountain Time). Two random comments will be chosen at that time. The winning comments will be verified at that time so if you said you follow the blog in your comment and we don't find you in the follow list, we will choose another winner. The winners will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to reply with their name and shipping address. If a response is not received within 48 hours that winner will forfeit the prize and a new winner will be selected. Sorry, no exceptions. [34002-35923]

We have chosen our Winners!
See our Winners Page for details!

BuddyTops Hats
Adorable Companions for your

Dr Carey's Baby Care Kit
Created by a Pediatrician!
2 Winners!

Beauté de Maman ~ Nipple Gel Review & Giveaway

Lovely Baby Christmas CD's ~ Not Your Typical Baby Music - Listen!

Declaration: Our mommies did receive a sample box of Zicam Cold Remedy products to test for this review. We were not paid any money or favors in exchange for this review. Please see our About Us page & Disclaimer
page if you have any question about our integrity and for the full legal Terms of Use.

© 2009 BloggerMommies All Rights Reserved

To post a comment, click on the COMMENTS link below.


Megan said...

I am also interested in the Sinus Relief Nasal Gel and the Cough MAX Cough Melts!

Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

I subscribe!

Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

I follow you on Twitter! (SuperMegs)

Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

I follow your blog!

Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

I've entered the Dr. Carey's Baby Care Kit giveaway!

Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

I've entered the Buddy Tops giveaway!

Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

Xenia said...

With the amount of coughing that I've done lately, I'd like to try the Cough MAX Cough Melts or the Cough MAX Cough Spray!

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6496801688

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

I entered your Dr. Carey's giveaway.

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6504631892

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6515875891

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

Like to try the Congestion Relief

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Nancy said...

email subscriber

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Nancy said...

follow on twitter: nanceattack

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Nancy said...

following zicam on twitter: nanceattack

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Nancy said...

public follower

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6519518770

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Nancy said...

entered BuddyTops hat giveaway

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6531764365

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6542234286

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6546150215

nancy at 513vetures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6551763293

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

I entered your Lovely Baby giveaway.

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6567574717

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6575889368

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6585284564

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6591387846

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6600619875

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6601663308

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6609752087

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6615524512

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6628490221

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6635017901

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6639681346

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6643931388

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6651598406

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6661638583

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6670150110

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6679271536

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6686322680

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6697582009

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6705812696

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6714788765

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6734237569

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6744777633

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6751800146

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6752315178

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6765223344

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6771707758

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6776738239

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6784608840

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6796265485

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6797600905

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6806060640

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6814259420

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6829750207

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6837253046

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6843027618

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6844676496

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6848400067

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6857292255

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6860806649

xpsundell at gmail dot com

h. mcnaron said...

i would try the cough spray.

h. mcnaron said...

i follow you on twitter @creep4ward

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6871056664

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6880865087

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6880918140

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6892649175

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6894052889

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6900294463

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6903274447

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6910975346

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/nanceattack/status/6917892958

nancy at 513ventures dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6929528837

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6936596250

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said...

Last tweet! http://twitter.com/thxmailcarrier/status/6946310866

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Anna D (Admin)
Mother of two grown daughters, my youngest is one of our blogger mommies. I have two grandbabies, my granddaughter is almost 3 years old and my grandson just turned 1 year old. I am also the owner of The Baby Store Plus and creator of the Mommy Focus Group which evolved into this group of ladies that I affectionately call my 'Blogger Mommies'.
I am the mother of three children, my son "M" is 8 years old, my daughter "G" is 4 years old, and another daughter, baby "B" just born in February of this year. I am a stay-at-home mom & in-home child care provider.
I am the mother of two children, my daughter "K" will be 2 years old in January and my sweet baby boy "T" was just born in April of this year. I am a stay-at-home mom.
I am the mother of two children, my daughter "S" turned two in February and my son "R" was born in December of 08. I work full-time, however, I am fortunate that I get to take my kids to work with me at The Baby Store Plus, where work with my mom.
Guest Reviewer
Unfortunately, one of our expectant mommies could not remain in our group due to conflicting events in her life. Until we fill this position permanently, we will have guest reviewers for any maternity products.